Class 1977, born with a Commodore64, he started to learn programming on it during primary school using the Basic. That Commodore64 along with a lot of other vintage computers and gaming consoles fills for half his laboratory. With his wife founded an non-profit association about retro-technology (associazione64) and organizes showcases and school tours showing evolution of technology.
He started programming Microchip PIC microcontrollers in the early 2000 and in 2007 built a blog where he shared (and continues nowadays) his experience about this world collaborating also with electronics-focused companies.
Giovanni’s Blog: settorezero
Maker Faire Rome partecipations
- 2014 - Remote Operatec Vehicle OR10n
- 2016 - Small-scale smart-home project used from his daughter: Rita’s Dolls House
- 2020 - Educational 3D-printed robot based on Arduino: AR.L.O. - now evolved in Arlok